Friday, March 11, 2011

week 9 GDS

Topics: web interface,

web interface is the part of the browser where you view web pages on the internet. There are many types of user interfaces that are created which have different visual, audio and text information for the user using the program to see. Some types include touch user interface, graphical user interface, command line interface, voice user interface and text user interface. Web interface is designed to have a good system of navigation from the homepage and other pages on the website. Each site has its different approach some newer sites have newer and more creative navigational systems.

 Interface design is the layout of computers, machines, websites, phones and many other appliances. It is made so that the user has a good sense of navigation with what they are using.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

week 8 gds used a very simple viral campaign to promote people to learn how to play guitar from there website. All they did was upload a video to the internet of a person playing the guitar really well and then at the end of the video it says he learned how to play guitar by going to there website. Its successful because the video has 45 million views and many of those viewers will be touched by this guitar player so they will want to learn to. They will first think about where this player learned how to play guitar and see the website and so on create more attraction to the website.
There was a website that was created called the million dollar web page which lets viewers be able to buy a spot on the webpage that cost $1 per pixel. People quickly bought all one million pixels and the site would stay like that forever. This worked because people wanted to advertise on the site badly enough to pay the owner who ended up making a million very quickly.  

The website is a site that has very convincing information of real events that led up to the documentary in the movie. They had reports of missing people and other important videos to make it look like it really happened but in the end it was all made up. But none the less the movie made 240 million when there budget was only 25 million.

An idea for a campaign that hasn't been done yet is to promote shoes like the brand Vans which is a skateboarding shoe brand. We would have famous athletes wearing these shoes doing really awesome skateboarding moves, it has to look really cool. This would work because sports fans would see there favorite athletes wearing these shoes and want them too or they would just notice how good they were at what they were doing and so they would want to wear the same shoes and learn how to skateboard . This could be recorded and put on the internet on sites like youtube or even commercialized to get attention from more people.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

week 5 gds

Aesthetics of the extreme site

A website that I found that uses aesthetics of the extreme is a energy drink site for the drink No Fear, called No Fear Extreme Energy Of course a site that advertises there energy drinks is going to have an “extreme” look to it. When you think of energy or high amounts of caffeine and sugar you think of things that are intense visually. The site uses the color black for the background and red and white as the text making the text stand out well. The top of the page shows a snowboarder in red and a dirt bike rider as well which goes well with the whole using energy drinks to perform in extreme sports. The website also uses a style of text that looks as if certain portions of the letters are missing or faded out giving it more detail . A lot of the white text has a heavy outline of red with uneven streaks of black running through it giving it that horror film dvd cover sort of look to it and adding a lot more detail to the page.  On the main page there’s a flashing advertisement image that flickers quickly to the next showing the main drink and a flashing skull with wings then saying  the words no fear afterwards, this fast flickering image adds more to the theme of the effects of energy drinks speeding up the heart rate making it match with the image, this is what I think. The whole page is an eyeful and is just very intense visually, I personally think it goes well with the type of product they are trying to sell as well.

Monday, February 28, 2011

week 7 GDS

Topics: Meme, netiquette, Viral campaigns and flash mobs.

Viral campaigns is a type of marketing that tries to get others to pass along a message that helps with the marketing of the company doing the viral campaign. This increases the brand awareness as well and it can be done online and offline. It can be done through a text message, flash game, video clip, ebooks, or brandable software. This is creating viral messages that will appeal to people who have high social networking potential and then will most likely be passed along from those people.

A flash mob is a large group of people who make a scene in a public place and it seems like they do it for no reason. But the real purpose may be protests, commercial advertisement, or publicity stunts. They do acts that make other people start to wonder whats going on around them and it seems to be entertaining. The netiquette is basically the etiquette of the internet. There are forum, blogs, chat sites etc and they have rules to follow like respecting others online or you will get blocked from a certain site. They use terms like flaming and trolling which are usually looked down upon in the internet world.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

week 4 gds

Topics - Aesthetics of the extreme

Aesthetics of the extreme is taking a product or imagery and changing it to be more appetizing, but making it more appetizing by designing it to look or act more odd, scary, intense or extreme. For example a resident evil game is extreme because you are fighting zombies and other mutated creatures showing lots of gore. This causes the viewer to be more entertained and in tune with what is going on. The creators have the idea that the viewer will buy it and other products similar to it due to the amount of extremeness. Psychologically this is called psychological mastery where the viewer is somewhat stuck in thought by what they are seeing so they will continue to look at it more so it will be figured out and that feeling of anxiety will go away. To make something more extreme the designer may add typography that is distressed, taboo subjects, heavy outlines, provocative subject matter and heightened lighting.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

week 3 GDS

  Branding Comparisons between stores

 The clothing store that I will focus on is Hot Topic. This store is known as a clothing store but it also sells CD’s, candy, and toys. The demographic for this store is mostly young people age 13 – 24 that could be categorized as being emo, scene, skater, goth, metal head or other extreme styles. People come to buy band t-shirts or other stylish clothing and CD’s. Hot topic is alos selling pop culture clothing like world of warcraft t-shirts featuring Invader Zim or Hellos Kitty.  All the music sold in this store is aimed at young people, with bands in the genre of metal, post hardcore, and rap.
            If Hot Topic had to be a person I would think that the store is most closely related to Marilyn Manson the American rock singer who is well known for his strange persona and style of clothing. The reason I chose him is because Hot Topic is not ordinary clothing or styles, it’s more like taking it to the extreme with a new style. The style of music he creates is something that hasn’t been done; it’s a separation from the past good morals. The music is different and can be seen as obscene, one reason why is his name which was taken from mass murder mastermind Charles Manson and actress Marilyn Monroe. A lot of the clothing is dark and gives you this eerie feeling when looking at it yet there’s also Hello Kitty shirts as well. The person of Marilyn is seen as a mixture of twisted yet innocent so I find a match between these two.
            Stores with similar demographics that seem very similar to me would be Pacsun, Zumiez and Spencers. Pacsun and Zumiez sell skater and snowboarding clothing lines which is also seen in Hot Topic. Spencers is a gift shop that sells funny shirts, posters, toys, and books. The similarity between Hot Topic and Spencers is the t-shirts at Spencers have jokes about sex, drugs, drinking and other mature topics which were similar to the dark and evil tees at Hot Topic. Spencers also sells band t-shirts similar to those found in Hot Topic. Many of the shirts at Hot Topic have a wide variety of Illustrations with many bright colors that really make the image stand out, yet also have shirts with very dark images or designs to have variety in there store. With Spencers the clothing does not seem to be varied like this. Spencers is mainly aiming to find appealing and funny gift ideas that just happens to closely relate to Hot Topic. Though I would have to say the demographic for Spencers aims at an age group a little higher than that of Hot Topic.
            When comparing Pacsun and Zumiez to Hot Topic which have even less similarity than Spencers to Hot Topic I looked at the different clothing lines and noticed many of the same brands in all stores. Similar shoes in all stores that I found are Vans and Converse. I also found the clothing brands Adidas and Zoo York to be in all three stores. Zumiez and Pacsun are probably more related to each other than to Spencers or Hot Topic because they pretty muched shared their clothing lines. They had clothing with minimum Illustrations and focused more on designs like striped shirts and jackets with blue or black jeans. Both stores sold Element Hoodies and hats as well.
 Marilyn Manson and Hot Topic shirt Illustrations.

Examples of illustrations to do with branding concepts:


Friday, January 21, 2011

Week 2 GDS

Topics: Branding, Applied Design

Branding is basically a stereotype that is created to fit a certain company. Some clothing stores will be branded as skater, preppy or goth. Another example is how MMA was branded this violent brawl like entertainment even though now they try to separate themselves from that brand by really focusing on the technique and martial art portion of the fighting to make it look more like something that isn't like a random bloody brawl.

Applied design is known as something that can be used and be designed as well. What i mean by this is it has an everyday function as well as an opportunity for creativity to become part of the finished piece. Applied design can include things like toy designs, way finders, window display designs and so more of the useful things.

                                                                 Applied design sketches:


Applied design examples:

Thursday, January 20, 2011

week 1 GDS

Topics: Cultural Aesthetic movement, creative briefs, design process.

The aesthetic movement was a 19th century European movement that focused on aesthetic values rather than moral ones. The emphasis was on fine arts, literature, decorative art and interior design. Aestheticism also anticipates modernism. Modernism which can be also viewed as modern thought began in the late nineteenth century. It is a socially progressive form of thoughts that examines every portion of existence. The goal of modernism is to improve the environment using technology and science Postmodernism which was brought about after the second world war is a way of thinking that directs itself away from modernism. It includes a view that realities are only social constructs and are subject to change inherent to time and space. Postmodernism uses irrational thought rather than logical thinking like modernism.

Design process is known as thought process that goes on when finding a solution in art like graphic design. First you must gather information and know your audience and the message your trying to send. Research will usually need to be done, then an outline will be created. The next step has to do with creativity you must brainstorm and find what works best. After this sketches can be made to see what works best. Then comes the design part where you create multiple versions and ask your client what they would prefer from your different versions.

Creative Briefs are made so that the designer and the client are connected and both understand and agree with each other. It explains what the client wants and other things like costs, market, strategy and time line.

 Representing postmodern art:

 Representing Modern art:

Postmodern sketches:


2 modern sketches

Postmodern art sketch