The aesthetic movement was a 19th century European movement that focused on aesthetic values rather than moral ones. The emphasis was on fine arts, literature, decorative art and interior design. Aestheticism also anticipates modernism. Modernism which can be also viewed as modern thought began in the late nineteenth century. It is a socially progressive form of thoughts that examines every portion of existence. The goal of modernism is to improve the environment using technology and science Postmodernism which was brought about after the second world war is a way of thinking that directs itself away from modernism. It includes a view that realities are only social constructs and are subject to change inherent to time and space. Postmodernism uses irrational thought rather than logical thinking like modernism.
Design process is known as thought process that goes on when finding a solution in art like graphic design. First you must gather information and know your audience and the message your trying to send. Research will usually need to be done, then an outline will be created. The next step has to do with creativity you must brainstorm and find what works best. After this sketches can be made to see what works best. Then comes the design part where you create multiple versions and ask your client what they would prefer from your different versions.
Creative Briefs are made so that the designer and the client are connected and both understand and agree with each other. It explains what the client wants and other things like costs, market, strategy and time line.
Representing postmodern art:
Representing Modern art:

2 modern sketches

Postmodern art sketch

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